Medicine & Needles Disposal Service
Unwanted medicines are often dumped into the toilet, tipped down the sink or put out with the garbage, which starts a journey that can seriously harm the environment.
Please return any expired or unwanted medicines, or needles/lancets and syringes to your pharmacy. In doing so, we can make our home a safer place, help safeguard our community and protect our environment. There is no charge for this service.
Contact our pharmacy for further information.

Our Opening Hours
Mon 8.30am - 5:00pm
Tue 8.30am - 5:00pm
Wed 8.30am - 6:00pm
Thur 8.30am - 5:00pm
Fri 8.30am - 5:00pm
Sat 9.00am - 7:00pm
Sun Closed (Church Street Dispensary is open for all your prescription and pharmacy needs on Sundays when we are closed)
*Open 10 am to 12 noon on Public Holidays
Contact us
07 315 6251
07 315 6250
General Enquiries:
110 Church Street
Ōpōtiki 3122
New Zealand